Vedic Astrology Readings & Jyotish Readings by Veno
Veno Astrology

Vedic/Jyotish Books
P's giTa: ScriPTures for the Now
by Prashant Trivedi
The core essence of vedic knowledge and wisdom for the present time and age. A must-read before one explores the timeless vedic texts & systems of knowledge like Jyotish, Yog, Ayurved, Tantra, Mantra, Yantra etc. The book which should be read before a single word of Jyotish is learnt. The Absolute Basic Truths and Essentials for this day and age.
P's giTa: ScriPTures for the Now (Hindi) by Prashant Trivedi
The core essence of vedic knowledge and wisdom for the present time and age. A must-read before one explores the timeless vedic texts & systems of knowledge like Jyotish, Yog, Ayurved, Tantra, Mantra, Yantra etc. The book which should be read before a single word of Jyotish is learnt. The Absolute Basic Truths and Essentials for this day and age.
Sun The Cosmic Powerhouse
by Prash Trivedi
A comprehensive, historical, numerological as well as esoteric study of the king among the planets ~ Sun. This work also highlights why it is time to do away with the widely prevalent Sun~Sign astrology.
As some wise men say ~ the whole chart can be deciphered just by looking at the placements of the Sun, Moon and the Lunar Nodes. After covering the astrology of the Lunar Nodes in the previous work by Prash, we found it imperative to cover the primary luminary. We hope this work will be able throw some light on the source of all light. It is also hoped that this would lead to further research into the functioning of the star among the planets.
The Key of Life - Astrology of the Lunar Nodes
(aka "The Rahu Ketu Experience")
by Prash Trivedi
Mr Trivedi is the first astrologer to put together an exhaustive, historical, numerological as well as esoteric account of the Lunar Nodes, including a masterful perspective on their relevance in the present day and age.
David Frawley, the well known Vedic scholar writes in his foreword ~
"Prash Trivedi, India's most insightful young astrologer offers what is probably the longest, most researched and most original book on Lunar Nodes (Rahu & Ketu in Vedic Astrology) published in modern times. This book is worthy of serious examination by all students of Astrology and all those interested in the great mysteries of life, death, karma and transformation."
The 27 Celestial Portals
by Prash Trivedi, Illustrations by Veno
It is the 27 constellations, and not the 12 signs, which truly map the ecliptic and provide the celestial backdrop for the affairs on earth.
The knowledge of these 27 cosmic transmitters has been most well preserved in the Vedic heritage of India, where they are known as "Nakshatras". In addition to containing a detailed 23 pronged dissection of these celestial portals, this work contains 27 colored picture images that capture the functionings of these constellations in a way that words cannot. This is the most extensive & definitive book on this topic to date and will set the standards for others that follow.
"Prash Trivedi's book on nakshatras has no equal. It will open your mind to a new way to practice Vedic astrology, not just using nakshatras but understanding how these 27 segments of the zodiac transmit energy and awareness. This is the kind of information that only comes as a result of living a life that earns you the right to access higher knowledge.The nakshatras, ancient in origin, are of value not just in the practice of astrology. They can help you understand why each sunrise will bring something new into your life. Veno's 27 illustrations are superb and a visual doorway." (AMAZON REVIEW)